Is the future more important than the past?

“The Life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.”

I agree to this quote to a certain extent. However, in order to move on to a more positive future one must reflect on the past and the learnings and lessons we derived from it. What have we learned from our experiences and what lessons have we gained from it?

Those lessons and learnings helped us to develop into a stronger being that can deal with other challenges in life . It helped us to make better choices and better decisions in our present and in the future.

When we help clients to heal from past trauma we guide them through regression therapy to take in the learnings and lessons of those events that disturbed them. The insights that our clients gain is profound and healing occurs almost immediately. The clients go on to live their life much more consciously without any attachment to negative emotions of the past.

To completely let go of the past and any negative emotions we also teach our clients forgivenss. Forgiving not only the other person who hurt them, but also ourselves for the actions and decisions we made and for holding onto those negative emotions. Only with forgiveness can we truly and freely move on into a more positive future.

The Power is in You. Only you can make the decision to move on.


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