What are the 3 Ways you can inject Gratitude into a current Challenge you face?

Well, it depends what challenge you are facing right now. I share mine with you. I find it challenging at the moment to see so many people facing anxiety, stress and depression. The causes why people feel that way are various.

If you feel anxious, fear and you are stressed, I suggest that you take some time out each day to do something you like to do. This may be going into nature, exercising, meditating, being creative, reading a book that you like or doing some fun activities with your family or friends. When you enjoy something you will feel gratitude for the moment.

I do this on a regular basis to stay positive so I can be centred when helping others.

Try to stay away from the news, social media or people who are negative. Life can be challenging right now and it is important what energies you take in and with whom you connect. When you focus away from the negative you will be more able to find gratitude in your situation.

Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others. Try not to judge other people's opinions or choices. Rather walk away if something irritates you. Everyone has their own personal responsibility in life. We can not judge others in how they want to live their life. When you focus on looking after yourself and on being kind and compassionate you will attract more of that into your life.

Make your choice with whom you want to communicate and what information you want to take in. Change your focus away from negative influences and look at the positive things you have in your life.

The Power in how you deal with a challenge is within you.


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