Why is Hypnosis working with your Subconscious Mind and not your Conscious Mind?

Hypnotherapy is one of the fastest approaches to make changes to any unwanted emotions, behaviours or limiting beliefs as it accesses your subconscious mind.

Your mind is made up of two parts, the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind.

Whereas your conscious mind only holds up about 5% of your mind, it is a rational mind. It acts consciously of what you are aware of and uses the information it receives to form judgements and make decisions.

Your subconscious mind lies below the conscious mind and makes up 90% of your mind. It is also referred to as the unconscious mind and is functioning without you realising it.

The subconscious mind controls your body functions, like breathing and balances your body’s systems. In the subconscious mind all your memories and thoughts are stored. It controls your emotions, habits and automatic responses by retrieving past thoughts, beliefs, values and behaviours that are stored as memories of past events.

It is making sure that you continue to behave in a similar manner of what you have done in your past. In your subconscious mind your inner conflicts and struggles started, and it lies below your conscious awareness.

 So, if you want to make a lasting change in your beliefs, behaviours and to overcome your inner emotional struggles and conflicts, hypnotherapy can be a powerful method to access your subconscious mind to make the necessary changes. Making positive suggestions under hypnosis at the subconscious (or unconscious) level is much more powerful than making the suggestions to the conscious mind.



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