Did you know how the feeling that resides inside of you has a direct effect on the world outside?

Gregg Braden explains in a wonderful video with several very interesting examples how our feelings can affect all around us, the people we are with, our environment and even the entire world. However, he also emphasises that we seem to feel more empowered and stronger when we are supported by others. The reason is that we are connected with everyone and everything around us.

He is giving an example of a woman who has been healed from cancer within minutes by practitioners who send her positive and affirmative healing energy. Gregg also refers to a well-known study in Japan where polluted water can be changed to healthy water by sending it positive emotions. The same principle of sending affirmative healing energy can also lead to peace between nations, which was referenced by a university study.

For this to work we need to see how we are consciously connected and how we live our life’s day in and day out. A positive change can happen in the way we respond to one another with our family and friends during our conversations; the way that we feel about the six o'clock news or the way that we respond to a driver that cuts us off on the highway.

In those seemingly insignificant moments of life we are actually having a conversation with our collective. How we respond will be mirrored back to us. Our collective love, our collective appreciation and gratitude or our collective anger and rage and fear.

We need to understand that when we feel a feeling in our body that feeling already exists everywhere, because we are part of that whole greater consciousness. And when we simply start bringing up positive feelings (for example through gratitude, appreciation and positive affirmations) and by using the positive energy to create it then it already exists everywhere.

Gregg provides an example on how we are connected by talking about what a lot of us may have experienced before. Have you ever gone to pick up the phone to call someone that you know well and you found that they were already on the other end of the line or about to call you? I had that experience several times before and we usually laugh and we think it is coincidence.

However, when we feel something in one place to some degree that feeling is already existing in every other place. And when you focus on that feeling within your body and in your heart rather than simply think it in your mind the connection is stronger and can go beyond our bodies into the entire world.

We are more powerful than you can imagine. Where your focus and feeling goes your energy flows!



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